Sprachniveau: 4
Area : Speaking interaction and production objectivesObjectives* :
You will be able to:
- Speak regularly with native speakers.
- Discuss familiar topics in detail.
- Give your opinions and explain advantages and disadvantages.
Area : Listening objectives
Objectives* :
You will be able to:
- Understand long speech and lectures and follow complex arguments if the topic is reasonably familiar.
- Understand most TV news and current affairs programmes.
- Understand the majority of films in common accents.
Area : Reading objectives
Objectives* :
You will be able to:
- Read articles and reports about common topics
- Understand modern novels.
Area : Writing objectives
Objectives* :
You will be able to:
- Write clearly and in detail about a wide range of subjects.
- Write an essay or report.
- Write letters about events and personal experiences.
Also you will learn about:
Grammar Syllabus
- Used to + infinitive
- Past Simple and Present Perfect
- Neither / so do I
- Modal verbs
- Reported speech
- First, second conditional
- Adverbs of manner and modifiers
- Relative clauses
- Adjectives and their connotations
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Look + adjective, look like + noun
- Passives
- Past Perfect Simple
- A / few and a / little
- Although / in spite of / despite
- Question tags
Vocabulary and Topical Syllabus
- Education
- Appearances
- Clothes
- Character
- Make and do
- Housework
- Holidays and travel brochures
- Illness
- Cooking
- Weather
- Furniture and appliances
- Types of books, films, and TV programmes
- Crime and punishment
- Political systems
- Family relationships
- Pets
- Hotel facilities
- Affixes
- Participles
Functional Syllabus
- Describing location, people and things
- Stating preferences and opinions
- Talking about obligation
- Reporting requests and orders
- Advising
- Making deductions
- Guessing
- Talking about possibility / probability and certainty
- Refusing
- Describing faulty goods
*adapted from descriptors from Common European Framework and European Language Portfolio level B2